Open source Text Editor and File Viewer for Windows user.

Browse, view, edit your files with one easy-to-use application. VinaText is the essential app for your Windows PC.

Minimalist bank items Minimalist bank items


View multiple text files at once by tabs, supports all basic edit functions with multiple text selections, multiple text copies
Write and debug your code easily. Supports many different programming languages. Code debugger available for C, C++, Python, Javascript, Pascal,...
Built-in terminal tabs: Powershell, CMD, WSL
Support viewing many media formats from video, audio, pdf, image,...
Credit card
Very fast processing speed and does not consume your computer memory (less than 10 MB RAM)


Double-click a word to highlight all matching words.

Double-click the tab area to display the path in the explorer tree or [Ctrl + Shift + Q].

Move the mouse to the tab area and [Ctrl + Shift + C] to copy the full current path.

[Ctrl + Shift + E] to open the window explorer tab at the parent folder.

[Ctrl + O] to open the file.

[Ctrl + Shift + O] to open a folder.

[Ctrl + N] to create a new editor tab.

[Ctrl + S] to save the current changes.

[Ctrl + Z] to undo changes on the editor.

[Ctrl + Y] to redo the changes on the editor.

[Ctrl + F] to open quick search popup.

[Ctrl + H] to open a quick alternative pop-up.

[Ctrl + G] to open the Goto dialog box.

[Ctrl + Shift + G] to quickly search all selected text.

[Ctrl + Shift + N] to open a new VinaText instance.

[Ctrl + Shift + T] to open a recently closed file.

[Ctrl + Alt + T] to open a terminal tab at the container folder.

[Ctrl + Shift + W] to open the opened file manager dialog.

[Ctrl + W] to close the current file.

[F4] to reload the file contents.

[F3] to search selected text on google browser.

[F1] to translate the selected text into the preset language.

[Ctrl + Shift + M] to fold/unfold all brackets.

[Ctrl + Shift + V] to paste the text into the quote.

[Windows + V] to open the clipboard history dialog box.

[Ctrl + J] to disable editing mode.

[Ctrl + D] to expand the selection to the next matching word.

[Ctrl + Shift + A] to expand the selection to all matching words, to a single quote.

[Alt + L] to split the selection into lines.

[Alt + Left Mouse Drag] to use column editing mode.

[Ctrl + Alt + DownArrow] to extend the selection to the next line.

[Ctrl + Alt + UpArrow] to extend the selection down to the previous line.

[F5] to run the current file.

[Shift + F5] to stop the current program.

[F5] to refresh the tree.

[Ctrl + Enter] to open the current path by default application.

[Ctrl + Shift + C] to copy the current path in full.

[Ctrl + Alt + T] to open a terminal tab at the current path.

[Ctrl + Shift + Q] to bring focus back to the editor.

[Ctrl+F] to open the Search Paths/Navigation dialog box.

[Ctrl + Shift + F] to search for text in the current directory.

[Ctrl + Shift + H] to replace the text at the current directory.

[Ctrl + G] to jump to any path.

[Ctrl + Shift + M] to collapse the current directory.

[Ctrl + Shift + N] to expand the current directory.

[Ctrl + M] to create a new folder.

[Ctrl + N] to create a new file.

[Delete] to send the file to the trash.

[Ctrl + B] to highlight a path.

[Tab] to display only one path.

[Shift + Tab] to go back to the root folder on the desktop.

[F2] to rename the path.

[Shift + Right-click] to open the system menu.